!9#: Powermatic 2 Electric Cigarette Injector Machine

Post Date : Feb 23, 2012 23:40:27 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

!! We only have BLACK color in stock, the other color is not available right now!!Product FeaturesAutomatic injection process.Controlled tobacco intake.Perfect cigarettes in secondsRemoveable tobacco trayMain power and battery operatedHere's how it works - You place a tube on the tip on the left, then you put a pile of tobacco in the chamber on the top, raise the lever on the right, put some tobacco in the slot on the top with your fingers or the wedge that come with it, push the lever on the right until the spoon injector pops out and fills the tube. That's it, another perfect cigarette and more tobacco is still in the chamber for you to repeat the process.....Very Fast The Powermatic 2 comes in a few very pretty colors but at this time we can't guarantee which color you will receive. We only ship within the continental United States. Be one of the first to own this great looking and great operating machine. We are very excited about being able to offer this new machine and we're expecting to hear great user reviews. This one is so cool it totally blew us away. The Powermatic 2 may cost a little more than the Powermatic 1 but you'll find the spoon injection method produces a consistant even burning cigarette with no problems every time and isn't that what you really want?. If you've used a top-o-matic machine then you already know what great cigarettes they produce and how perfect they burn. So basically, the Powermatic 2 is an electric, automated, easier to load, easier to use machine than the hand crank top-o-matic and uses the same injection method which produces that same perfect cigarette we all enjoy. The Powermatic 2 is a revolutionary breakthrough, making this the first really affordable electric spoon injection machine to ever hit the market. We expect this product will be sold out very quickly and the supply will not be able to keep up with the demand so get yours today before the stock runs out.
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